Tuesday, April 30, 2024



How to Beat the IRS: Using Captive Insurance Companies for Savings

How to Beat the IRS: Using Captive Insurance Companies for Savings: Small companies have been copying a method to control insurance costs and reduce taxes that used to be the domain of large businesses: sett...

Lance Wallach Life Insurance: Captive Insurance Buyer Beware

Is a captive insurance cell the way to go? - Accounting Today - Captive Insurance: Achieve large tax and cost reductions by renting a “CAPTIVE”. Most accountants and small business owners are unfamiliar with a great way to reduce taxes and expenses. By either creating or sharing “a captive insurance company”, substantial tax and cost savings will benefit the small business owner.

To read the entire article, click here

Probs IRS: IRS Audits 419, 412i, Captive Insurance Plans With...

Probs IRS: IRS Audits 419, 412i, Captive Insurance Plans With...: IRS Audits 419, 412i, Captive Insurance Plans With Life Insurance, and Section 79 Scams

IRS: Disclose Offshore Accounts or Go to Jail

IRS: Disclose Offshore Accounts or Go to Jail


That's pretty much the headline from a CNBC article on Friday. And it's true.

In 2009, 15,000 Americans came forward and admitted having foreign bank accounts. Unfortunately, Uncle Sam estimates there are some 500,000 more people hiding money offshore. Opening a bank account in another country isn't illegal. There are a whole host of reasons why people may wish to send money offshore. It only becomes illegal when you send money to a foreign country in the hopes of cheating Uncle Sam.

U.S. law makes it a felony if you fail to declare the income from foreign investments on your U.S. tax return and makes it illegal to not disclose the existence of the foreign account.

So what is a person to do? Taxpayers can do nothing and hope they don't lose the "audit lottery" (there are no winners with the IRS). Or taxpayers can come into compliance, report the account and pay the government ¼ of the highest dollar amount that was in the account. That's right, if you had an account with $200,000 in it, get out the checkbook and write a check to the IRS for $50,000.

Taxpayers wanting to take advantage of the current amnesty program (called the Offshore Voluntary Disclosure Initiative) must move quickly, however. Unlike the 2009 program, which simply said you had to apply be the deadline, the current amnesty requires that all missing forms ("FBAR's"), amended returns and payment must be made by the deadline. There is a great deal of paperwork involved with the new program, waiting until the last minute is a recipe for disaster.

Those that don't comply face prison and loss of 50% of their highest account value.

So what is the risk of getting caught? We think it is quite high.

Transparency within the international banking community is at an all time high. And the developed countries are exchanging information. That means if Germany obtains information about accounts in a Bermuda bank it will likely share that information with other countries.

The U.S. has been issuing "John Doe" subpoenas to foreign banks fishing for the names of American account holders. Countries like Germany have been bribing foreign bank officials to simply steal the information and turn it over.

Still not convinced? The IRS paid its first award under the new whistleblower program - $4.5 million to an accountant who reported his employer! If anyone, anywhere knows you have a foreign account; they may report you and keep a large percentage of what you pay.

The world suddenly got much smaller.

This is interesting article but I do not believe everything in it is correct. I have received numerous phone calls from participants in these plans and the IRS is auditing.  For the most accurate information contact: Lance Wallach at lancewallach.com or call 516-935-7346

How Hartford Life and Other Insurance Companies Tricked their Agents and Got People in Trouble with the IRS - HG.org

How Hartford Life and Other Insurance Companies Tricked their Agents and Got People in Trouble with the IRS - HG.org

Agents from Hartford and other insurance companies were shown ways to sell large life insurance policies. This “Welfare Benefit Trust 419 plan or 412i plan should be shown to their profitable small business owners as a cure for paying too much taxes.

A Welfare Benefit Trust 419 plan essentially works like this:

• The business provides a fringe benefit for their employees, such as health insurance and life insurance.

• The benefit is established in the name of a trust and funded with a cash value life insurance policy

• Here is the gravy: the entire amount deposited into the trust (insurance policy) is tax deductible to the company,and

• The owners of the company can withdraw the cash value from the policy in later years tax-free.
Read more by clicking the link above!

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tax shelter helperv's Content